The MaxPower Law team will be at a bunch of local motorcycle events this year! Come see us!!
2019 Events:
- Oyster Run in Anacortes, WA on September 22.
- Hog Wild Rally in Ocean Shores, WA on July 26-28.
- Children’s Ride in Tacoma, WA on July 14.
- Touratech Rally West 2019 in Plain, WA on June 27 – 29.
- Northwest Harley Davidson Big Bad Bike Show in Lacey, WA on June 15.
- Northwest Nitro Nationals Pro Hill Climb in Sunnyside, WA on May 3 – 5.
- Northwest Motorcycle Classic Vintage Motorcycle Expo in Lynden, WA on April 27.
- Desert 100 Off-Road Race in Odessa, WA on April 6 – 7.
- Sky Valley Motorcycle Show in Snohomish, WA on May 19.

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Insurance companies use their power and deep pockets against you. Insurance adjusters are trained in many tactics aimed to frustrate and wear you down, so you will eventually take pennies on the dollar for your case just to be done with the whole thing. Don’t fall for these underhanded tactics. It may take some time and effort, but you CAN get fair compensation for your injuries and beat the insurance industry at its own game. A great first step is requesting a copy of this book using the form above.
Motorcycle Accident Secrets Unlocked has lots of great information to help injured riders following a Washington motorcycle accident. If you suffered a broken bone, spinal injury, TBI head injury, or other serious injury then this FREE book is perfect for you.
*NOTE: This book covers Washington state legal concepts only. If you had an accident in another state, give us a call to see if we can help.